Calico tote bags history: 101

Calico bags also know as cotton bags in many places these bags are most trending bags in eco and reusable bags so let us see how these bags are made and what are types of bags made from this material and finally their benefits. Calico material is first discovered in 11 th century in a place called Calicut of southwestern India where all fabrics are made. And later in the 17th century, it moved to other countries and they evolved in both apparel and also other items like rugs cloths. Later people started making bags with this material as they are very useful to carry all things and they are reusable. Calico is used in making many products like apparels curtains pillowcases rugs mats and many more they became part of our daily life. Now calico bags became very famous because of there special features like strongness sturdy long-lasting nature and are safe eco-friendly bags which we need most today. Calico tote bags are made of cotton plants and these same the material us...